Biblical Questions and Answers

Frequently asked biblical questions and answers that we are asked through our website and social networks.

buena iglesia


Temas incluidos ¿Cómo Encontramos una Buena Iglesia? La Adoración: El Corazón de una buena Iglesia La Unidad: Reflejo de una buena iglesia Confesión...
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Congregating. Should Christians Attend Church?

Gathering together is a biblical mandate and a spiritual necessity. We are part of the Body of Christ, and we need to be connected with other believers.
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What is Hermeneutics?

Hermeneutics, in its most basic definition, is the science and art of interpreting texts. It comes from the Greek term hermeneutikós, meaning “to interpret”...
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book of exodus

The Book of Exodus | Divine Revelation and Liberation

The Book of Exodus addresses themes such as oppression, redemption, covenant, and divine law. The liberation from slavery in Egypt and the revelation of the...
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the unforgivable sin

The Unforgivable Sin How do I know I haven't committed it?

The unpardonable sin is not a momentary slip, a crisis of faith, or a temporary doubt. It is a deliberate, conscious, ongoing rejection of the work of the Lord.
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the sin

What is Sin?

Sin is not simply a set of bad actions; it is an internal condition that affects our heart, our intentions and our decisions....
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What is faith?

What is faith?

Biblical faith, therefore, is not blind belief or mere assumption. It is not based on an irrational desire for things to go well, but on the...
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