About us
Welcome to PreguntaBiblica.com, a site designed to provide clear, objective answers to biblical questions, whether simple or complex. We recognize that interpretation of Scripture can vary among different denominations, making Bible study a sometimes challenging process.
For this reason, we feature a variety of articles written by Christian authors from different backgrounds, both evangelical and Roman Catholic. This diversity of perspectives allows us to offer a broader and richer view of the topics addressed.
While we do not claim to be an official authority on the issues discussed, our purpose is to foster knowledge and understanding, not to create controversy. We understand that each person has a unique faith experience and religious background, and we respect those differences. Our goal is to help clarify concepts where there may be doubt, promoting a deeper understanding of biblical teachings.
We hope that this space will also serve as a platform for you to ask questions, share your thoughts and engage with constructive comments on our various articles.
We are at your disposal to answer any questions you may have. Write to us at [email protected]We would love to hear from you and accompany you in your spiritual growth.
Our team
Luis Fernández
Editor / Writer
Amanda Solera
Writer / Editor
José García
Isabel Reyes
Carlos González
Samantha Aragón
Juan Rodriguez