Biblical Questions and Answers

The Bible is a complex book and it can be challenging to understand its contents without proper guidance. The bible questions and answers offered at can help you better understand the teachings and principles of the Bible.

quien es el espiritu santo

¿Quién es el Espíritu Santo?

El Espíritu Santo es el que santifica, guía y empodera a los creyentes para vivir una vida en obediencia a Dios.
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quién es jesus

¿Quién es Jesús?

¿Quién es Jesús? Es el Hijo de Dios, plenamente divino y humano, el Salvador del mundo.
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quien es dios

¿Quién es Dios?

¿Quién es Dios? Es el Creador soberano del universo, el sustentador de todo lo que existe
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que es la trinidad

¿Qué es la Trinidad?

Esta doctrina enseña sobre la existencia de un solo Dios manifestado en tres personas distintas: el Padre, el Hijo (Jesucristo) y el Espíritu Santo.
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What is Apologetics?

Apologetics is the discipline that is responsible for rationally defending a position or belief, especially in the religious field.
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Halloween, Should Christians Celebrate It?

Participating in Halloween does not condemn you, but it is wise to evaluate whether the celebration reflects the principles of your faith or compromises your spiritual peace.
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speak in tongues

Is speaking in tongues the evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit?

Speaking in tongues is not the only or definitive evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It is a transformed life that confesses Christ as Lord.
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the prayer

Prayer. Why pray if God already knows what I need?

Prayer is, above all, a means of relating to God that allows us to cultivate an intimate relationship with him.
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Doctrine, Theology and Apologetics

que es la trinidad

¿Qué es la Trinidad?

Esta doctrina enseña sobre la existencia de un solo Dios manifestado en tres personas distintas: el Padre, el Hijo (Jesucristo) y el Espíritu Santo.
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the unforgivable sin

The Unforgivable Sin How do I know I haven't committed it?

The unpardonable sin is not a momentary slip, a crisis of faith, or a temporary doubt. It is a deliberate, conscious, ongoing rejection of the work of the Lord.
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What is faith?

What is faith?

Biblical faith, therefore, is not blind belief or mere assumption. It is not based on an irrational desire for things to go well, but on the...
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fundamental christian doctrine

Essential Christian Doctrine | 8 truths that every believer should be clear about

La Doctrina Cristiana esencial es el fundamento de la Fe 1. La Trinidad: La Unidad en Diversidad de Dios 2. La Encarnación y la Deidad de Cristo: Dios...
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salvation jesus christ

Salvation What must I do to obtain it?

¿Qué debo hacer para ser salvo? Temas incluídos La Necesidad Universal de Salvación El Arrepentimiento y la Fe: Las Puertas de la Salvación La Justificación:...
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Ethics, morals and Christian life

good church


Temas incluidos ¿Cómo Encontramos una Buena Iglesia? La Adoración: El Corazón de una buena Iglesia La Unidad: Reflejo de una buena iglesia Confesión de...
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Congregating. Should Christians Attend Church?

Gathering together is a biblical mandate and a spiritual necessity. We are part of the Body of Christ, and we need to be connected with other believers.
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Biblical Questions

Biblical Questions and Answers and their importance

Bible questions and answers are fundamental tools for those who want to deepen their knowledge of the Bible and better understand its teachings. The Bible contains stories, parables, proverbs, and complex teachings, so it is natural to have questions about it.

These questions and answers are a great way to engage and explore the meaning behind Biblical stories and teachings. Whether you are looking for specific answers such as Who wrote the bible? Or you just want to deepen your knowledge of the Bible, these tools can help you.

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